
I think keeping food traditions alive is a worthy effort. 

Cook Like a Yenta is a blog for all those non-Jewish women out there who married Jewish men.  Remember Charlotte on Sex and the City and her Shabbat dinner kitchen antics?  Braiding chullah with SJP by her side?  She could have used a blog like this.  Maybe.  Yes I know she isn’t real, but she was kind of my personal hero for a while there.

My goal with this blog is to entertain.  Through sharing stories of my successes and failures in the Jewish cooking department, perhaps I can inspire other non-Jewish wives to pick up food processor and jump on the bandwagon.  (You will need one.  A cuisinart.   Not a wagon) 

Jewish food is hearty and comforting.  And fattening! 

This goy’s giving it a shot.

3 Responses to “About”

  1. SamanthaSue September 18, 2009 at 2:32 pm #

    Do you actually know what “yenta” means? It comes from a character in the stories of Sholem Aleichem, “Yenta Tellebender.” She was a terrible gossip who spread slander about her neighbors. The appellation is insulting and always used as a pejorative.

  2. Marilyn May 4, 2010 at 1:18 am #

    I love your blog. I think it is the best one I’ve ever seen! Thanks for creating and writing your blog!

  3. meri | the food yenta April 3, 2011 at 7:00 pm #

    i just found your site on google, love it! love your name too 🙂

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